MC2-231 - Moulières à Modiolus modiolus avec hydraires et algues rouges sur substrat hétérogène du circalittoral soumis aux courants de marée en Atlantique

Modiolus modiolus beds with hydroids and red seaweeds on tide-swept Atlantic circalittoral mixed substrata

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Modiolus beds on mixed substrata (cobbles, pebbles and coarse muddy sediments) in moderately strong currents or wave exposed areas, typically on the open coast but also in tide-swept channels of marine inlets. Ophiothrix fragilis are often common in this biotope along with the calcareous tubes of Pomatoceros triqueter, anemones such as Alcyonium digitatum and Urticina felina and hydroids such as Abietinaria abietina and Sertularia argentea. Buccinum undatum may also be important and in some areas the clam Chlamys varia may be frequent but not in the same abundances as in unit MC2-224. Little information on the infaunal component is given here although it is likely that it is very rich and may highlight more subtle differences in the Modiolus biotopes. This biotope is typified by examples off the north-west Lleyn Peninsula in N Wales and off Co. Down, Northern Ireland.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)