MC3-517 - Association à Laminaria rodriguezii sur bancs détritiques

Association with Laminaria rodriguezii on detritic beds

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

This association on coastal detritic bottoms is characterised by the abundance of the brown alga Laminaria rodriguezii. This association is very often associated with unattached melobesies referred to as big rhodolithes or, formerly, ‘pralines’. The hooks of L. rodriguezii often take root in these rhodolithes. The endobiosis of the sediment is that of the biocenosis of the coastal detritic bottom, possibly slightly impoverished, with a certain abundance of gravellicolous species. The epibiosis is also that of the standard biocenosis, enriched by calcareous Rhodophyceae such as Peyssonnelia rosa-marina, Neurocaulon spp., and by species of the coralligenous biocenosis and of its facies, particularly the association with Cystoseira zosteroides. Many epibionts (hydrozoans and bryozoans, particularly, and also sponges, polychaetes and ascidians) are present on the oldest part of the fronds, one side being clearly more populated than the other because the thalli are laid down flat on the bed.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)