MC6-21 - Communautés animales de vase du circalittoral en Atlantique

Faunal communities of Atlantic circalittoral mud

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Circalittoral, cohesive sandy mud, typically with over 20% silt/clay, generally in water depths of over 10 m, with weak or very weak tidal streams. This habitat is generally found in deeper areas of bays and marine inlets or offshore from less wave exposed coasts. Sea pens such as Virgularia mirabilis and brittlestars such as Amphiura spp. are particularly characteristic of this habitat whilst infaunal species include the tube building polychaetes Lagis koreni and Owenia fusiformis, and deposit feeding bivalves such as Mysella bidentata and Abra spp.
Sublittoral muds, occurring below moderate depths of 15-20 m, either on the open coast or in marine inlets such as sealochs. The seapens Virgularia mirabilis and Pennatula phosphorea are characteristic of this habitat type together with the burrowing anemone Cerianthus lloydii and the ophiuroid Amphiura spp. The relatively stable conditions often lead to the establishment of communities of burrowing megafaunal species, such as Nephrops norvegicus.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)