MC1-2131 - Eunicella verrucosa et Pentapora fascialis sur roche du circalittoral exposée aux vagues en Atlantique

Eunicella verrucosa and Pentapora foliacea on wave-exposed Atlantic circalittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

This variant typically occurs on wave-exposed, steep, circalittoral bedrock, boulder slopes and outcrops, subject to varying tidal streams. This silty variant contains a diverse faunal community, dominated by the seafan Eunicella verrucosa, the bryozoan Pentapora foliacea and the cup coral Caryophyllia smithii. There are frequently numerous Alcyonium digitatum, and these may become locally abundant under more tide-swept conditions. Alcyonium glomeratum may also be present. A diverse sponge community is usually present, including numerous erect sponges; species present include Cliona celata, Raspailia ramosa, Raspailia hispida, Axinella dissimilis, Stelligera stuposa, Dysidea fragilis and Polymastia boletiformis. Homaxinella subdola may be present in the south west. A hydroid/bryozoan turf may develop in the understorey of this rich sponge assemblage, with species such as Nemertesia antennina, Nemertesia ramosa, crisiids, Alcyonidium diaphanum and Bugula plumosa. The sea cucumber Holothuria forskali may be locally abundant, feeding on the silty deposits on the rock surface. Other echinoderms encountered include the starfish Marthasterias glacialis and the urchin Echinus esculentus. Other fauna includes aggregations of colonial ascidians Clavelina lepadiformis and Stolonica socialis. Anemones such as Actinothoe sphyrodeta and Parazoanthus axinellae may be seen dotted across the rock surface. This biotope is present in south west England and Wales.
Situation: This biotope is commonly found on rocky outcrops, surrounded by coarse sediment. This may be in the form of shelly gravel or muddy gravel, supporting Urticina felina, Cerianthus lloydi and Neopentadactyla mixta. Above MC1-2131, dense kelp forest containing Saccorhiza polyschides is usually found.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)