ME1-21 - Communautés clairsemées sur roche du bathyal supérieur en Atlantique

Sparse communities on Atlantic upper bathyal rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

This broad community includes all biotopes where barnacle species are the dominant fauna. The species of barnacle will vary with depth and location. This community is found on rock and associated fauna are sparse. Currently, barnacle dominated communities in both the upper bathyal and the mid bathyal have only one child biotope (Bathylasma hirsutum assemblage) but in the future new barnacle biotopes may be discovered which differ between zones. It is likely that, due to changes in depth, associated species differ in the upper and mid bathyal versions of this broad community, but further evidence is required to describe differences.
This broad community includes all biotopes where brachiopod species are the dominant fauna. The species of brachiopod will vary with depth and location. Associated fauna are sparse. Currently, brachiopod dominated communities in both the upper bathyal and the mid bathyal have only one child biotope (Dallina septigera assemblage), but in the future new brachiopod biotopes may be discovered which differ between zones. It is likely that, due to changes in depth, associated species differ in the upper and mid bathyal versions of this broad community, but further evidence is required to describe differences.
This broad community includes all biotopes that are characterised by encrusting species including deep-sea sponges, serpulid worms, cup corals and Anoniimid bivalves. This community is widespread and occurs on coarse sediment and rock where erect coral species are absent. When this broad community occurs on rock it is distinguished by the present of holuthurian Psolus squamatus.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)