ME1-513 - Récifs de Madrepora oculata et Desmophyllum pertusum (anciennement Lophelia pertusa) du bathyal supérieur en Méditerranée

Mediterranean upper bathyal Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa reefs

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

This facies is characterised by the copresence of the two species of deep sea corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata. The dead parts that are not under mud are very much colonised by bryozoans, brachiopods and serpulid polychaetes, and constitute centers of diversity for the sessile fauna of the continental slope.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)