38.22 - Sub-Atlantic lowland hay meadows

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Mesophile lowland hay meadows of sub-Atlantic Western Europe, of western and northern Central Europe, of the humid Illyrian region and of the eastern Carpathian system, with Arrhenatherum elatius, Daucus carota, Crepis biennis, Knautia arvensis, Leucanthemum vulgare, Pimpinella major, Trifolium dubium, Geranium pratense, Alchemilla xanthochlora, Campanula patula, Pastinaca sativa, Galium album, Equisetum arvense, Medicago sativa, Picris hieracioides, Sanguisorba officinalis.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Arrhenatherion elatioris: Arrhenatheretum elatioris


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Lebrun & al., 1949: unit 133; Sougnez, 1951; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque & al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat & al., 1974: 221, 270-271, 396-398, 489; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Matuszkiewicz and Matuszkiewicz, 1975: 106; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise & al., 1980, 1985; Sanda & al., 1980; Soo, 1980; De Sloover & al., 1980: 42-44; Moravec & al., 1983: 47; Matuszkiewicz, 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984: unit; Delescaille, 1987: 76; Oberdorfer, 1990, 1993b; Coldea, 1991; Korotkov & al., 1991: 162-163; Ellmauer and Mucina, 1993; Påhlsson, 1994: units,,; Krahulec & al., 1996: 40; Seliskar, 1998: 17.