FR2212004 - Forêts de Thiérache : Hirson et Saint-Michel

"Birds" directive site

Reference database: Décembre 2023

Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them

Birds listed in Annex I of the 79/409/EEC directive of the Council

A030 - Ciconia nigra  (0 - 1 Couples)
A031 - Ciconia ciconia  (0 - 8 Individus)
A072 - Pernis apivorus  (5 - 8 Couples)
A082 - Circus cyaneus  (1 - 1 Couples)
A094 - Pandion haliaetus  (1 - 1 Individus)
A104 - Bonasa bonasia  (1 - 2 Couples)
A224 - Caprimulgus europaeus  (1 - 3 Mâles)
A229 - Alcedo atthis  (4 - 10 Couples)
A236 - Dryocopus martius  (2 - 5 Couples)
A338 - Lanius collurio  (2 - 5 Couples)
A868 - Leiopicus medius  (30 - 40 Couples)

Migratory birds regularly present on the site not listed in Annex I of the 79/409/EEC directive of the Council

A264 - Cinclus cinclus
Other important species of fauna and flora


Accipiter gentilis
Accipiter nisus