FR4301321 - Reculée des Planches près Arbois

"Habitats, fauna, flora" directive site

Reference database: Décembre 2023

Annual update of the list SCI - publication in the OJ EU : 02/02/2024 (from the database: 02/02/2024).

Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them

Mammals listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1303 - Rhinolophus hipposideros  (50 - 250 Individus)
1303 - Rhinolophus hipposideros  (60 - 150 Individus)
1304 - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum  (20 - 30 Individus)
1308 - Barbastella barbastellus  (1 - 5 Individus)
1321 - Myotis emarginatus  (5 - 10 Individus)
1323 - Myotis bechsteinii  (1 - 5 Individus)
1324 - Myotis myotis  (1 - 5 Individus)
1361 - Lynx lynx  (1 - 1 Individus)

Amphibians listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1166 - Triturus cristatus  (1 - 5 Individus)

Pisces listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1163 - Cottus gobio  (1,000 - 10,000 Individus)
6147 - Telestes souffia  (1 - 1 Individus)

Invertebrate listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1044 - Coenagrion mercuriale  (1 - 10 Individus)
1060 - Lycaena dispar  (1 - 10 Individus)
1065 - Euphydryas aurinia  (100 - 500 Individus)
Other important species of fauna and flora


Alytes obstetricans


Chorthippus scalaris
Decticus verrucivorus
Glaucopsyche alexis
Hesperia comma
Lopinga achine
Omocestus haemorrhoidalis
Pyrgus armoricanus


Eliomys quercinus
Felis silvestris
Muscardinus avellanarius
Myotis daubentoni
Neomys fodiens
Pipistrellus pipistrellus


Alyssum montanum
Daphne alpina
Descurainia sophia
Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Dianthus superbus
Gentiana cruciata
Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. incanum
Hypericum richeri
Limodorum abortivum
Ophrys apifera
Saxifraga sponhemica
Sisymbrium austriacum
Telephium imperati


Coronella austriaca
Hierophis viridiflavus
Lacerta agilis
Podarcis muralis
Zamenis longissimus