FR8201698 - Contamines Montjoie - Miage - Tré la Tête

"Habitats, fauna, flora" directive site

Reference database: Décembre 2023

Annual update of the list SCI - publication in the OJ EU : 02/02/2024 (from the database: 02/02/2024).

Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them

Mammals listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1308 - Barbastella barbastellus
1323 - Myotis bechsteinii
1361 - Lynx lynx
Other important species of fauna and flora


Bufo bufo
Triturus alpestris


Coenagrion hastulatum
Parnassius apollo
Parnassius phoebus
Somatochlora alpestris
Somatochlora arctica


Nyctalus leisleri
Pipistrellus pipistrellus


Artemisia campestris subsp. borealis
Carex microglochin
Juncus arcticus
Salix helvetica


Lacerta vivipara
Natrix natrix
Podarcis muralis