22.433 - Oligotrophic pondweed communities

Classification des habitats du Paléarctique (2001)


Sparse formations of narrow-leaved floating pondweeds, in particular, Potamogeton polygonifolius (Potamogeton oblongus), Potamogeton gramineus, Potamogeton alpinus, with Callitriche spp., Ranunculus ololeucos, Ranunculus omiophyllus, Ranunculus tripartitus, Luronium natans, Sparganium minimum, Apium inundatum of shallow, oligotrophic, clean, fluctuating, but usually permanent, often small, waterbodies of the Palaearctic region. Communities of this unit often form in close proximity to those of unit 22.313 and evolve into them with regular or prolonged dessication.

Correspondances phytosociologiques

Potamogetonetea pectinati: Potamogetonetalia pectinati: Nymphaeion albae p. (Potamion graminei): Potamogetonetum graminei, Potamogetonetum alpini; Littorelletea: Littorelletalia: Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p.: Hyperico-Potamogetonetum oblongi


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification Database. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles. (Source)

Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975: 59; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Brasseur & al., 1977, 1978; Duvigneaud and Schotsman, 1977: 16-19; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Moravec & al., 1983: 20; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984: unit [p.]; Matuszkiewicz, 1984: 73; Peinado Lorca & al., 1984: 174; Moravec, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990: 35, 36; Rodwell, 1991b: unit M29; Palmer & al., 1992; Oberdorfer, 1992a; Pott, 1992: 57, 58, 60; Schratt, 1993: 63-64; Påhlsson, 1994: unit [p.]; Kristinsson, 1998: 176-177; Frankard & al., 1998: 40.