6.0.1 - Arrhenatheretalia elatioris Tüxen 1931

Prodrome des végétations de France (PVF1)



Type of synonymy Entire name of synonymy Note Sources CD_HAB
Nom correct Arrhenatheretalia Tüxen 1931 Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25826
Synonyme nomenclatural Arrhenatheretalia Pawłowski 1928 nom. nud. (art. 2b, 8) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25827
Synonyme syntaxonomique Poo alpinae-Trisetalia Ellmauer & Mucina in Mucina, Grabherr & Ellmauer 1993 p.p. Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25828