6.0.2 - Trifolio repentis-Phleetalia pratensis Passarge 1969

Prodrome des végétations de France (PVF1)



Type of synonymy Entire name of synonymy Note Sources CD_HAB
Nom correspondant Veronico serpyllifoliae-Cynosurenalia de Foucault 1989 Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25842
Nom correct Trifolio-Phleetalia Passarge 1969 Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25840
Synonyme nomenclatural Trifolio-Cynosuretalia Sougnez in Sougnez & Limbourg 1963 nom. inval. (art. 2d, 3b) Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25841
Synonyme syntaxonomique Poo alpinae-Trisetalia Ellmauer & Mucina in Mucina, Grabherr & Ellmauer 1993 p.p. Bardat et al. (2004) (Source) 25828