Data search

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Key word


Framework objective

dataset territory

Beginning date
Ending date

dataset species

Search for metadata


Key word


Framework objective

dataset territory

Beginning date
Ending date

Data search by territory






Overseas territories


Data search Species

Search by species

Species group:


Latin or common (vernacular) name :

Taxonomic tree

Search by biological status (Metropolitan France only)

Search for a regulation of species

International Conventions


Community legislation


National legislation :

of national significance list
of international significance list
of departmental significance list
Overseas list

Red Lists of species

Global Red List (IUCN)

French species assessed globally

European Red List (IUCN)

French species assessed at the European level

National Red List (UICN Comité français, OFB & MNHN)

Metropolitan France :

Consult all the results

Réunion :

Consult all the results

Guadeloupe :

Consult all the results

Martinique :

Consult all the results

Mayotte :

Consult all the results

French Southern and Antarctic Lands :

Consult all the results

French Polynesia :

Consult all the results

Guiana :

Consult all the results

Wallis and Futuna :

Consult all the results

Saint-Martin :

Consult all the results

New Caledonia :

Consult all the results

Regional Red Lists

Regions :

Consult all the lists

Species :

Consult all the results

Data search Red Lists of ecosystems

National Red List (IUCN France)

Metropolitan France :

Consult all the results

Mayotte :

Consult all the results

Bioarchaeological data search


Scientific or vernacular name of the species

List of species mentioned in the I2AF inventory

Complete or partial name

List of sites

Data search Protected areas

Geographical filter


Department :

Municipality :

Area filter

Area types

Site name:

Site code:

Species filter

List of species of orders for the protection of the biotope

Natura 2000 data search

Natura 2000 sites list
List of species of the directive
List of habitats of the directive

Recherche de données Rapportages

Code UE ou nom de l'espèce

Liste des espèces des directives "nature"

Code de l'habitat ou mot-clé

Liste des habitats de la directive

Continental ZNIEFF Data Search


Site code or keyword

ZNIEFF sites list

Scientific name of the species

List of species mentioned in the ZNIEFF inventory

Habitat code or keyword

List of habitats mentioned in the ZNIEFF inventory

Key species per region

Sea ZNIEFF Data Search


Site code or keyword

ZNIEFF sites list

Scientific name of the species

List of species mentioned in the ZNIEFF inventory

Habitat code or keyword

List of habitats mentioned in the ZNIEFF inventory

Key species per region

Data search Habitats

Search by typology

Name of the typology :

Search habitat of the selected typology

Name or code of the habitat :

Search by species of the seleted typology

Names(s) of specie(s) :

Search by word(s) classed in the selected typology

Key(s) word(s) :

Geological data search