Species observation data


Simplified SINP architecture as regards data exchange

Exchange conditions between SINP platforms, and data dissemination rules by them are governed by the SINP framework.


To answer to biodiversity preservation stakes, the ministry in charge of Environment assumes overall control of the SINP.

The SINP is a partnership facility, between the ministry in charge of Environment, associations, communities, public services and operators, State departments, etc. It aims at promoting synergy between these stakeholders for the production, management, treatment, use and dissemination of data related to biodiversity, geodiversity, protected areas and landscapes.

SINP stakeholders

The SINP favours a network organisation. It is based on data producers, regional or themed platforms , and a national platform.

Regional platform are the main entry points to the SINP for the regional stakeholder’s data. The INPN will favoured by national stakeholders.

The management of the SINP at a regional level is handed to the regional directorates for environment, planning & development and housing in mainland France, or, overseas, by the directorates in charge of nature, coordinating with region councils if they so wish, and with the support of the organizations and networks of data producers.

The Patrinat unity unité PatriNat (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) is in charge of the theme platform on taxon occurrence and vegetation (for super regional producers), natural habitats, geologie, Natura 2000 and ZNIEFF data.The unit is also in charge of the national platform for the SINP, which includes linking with thre regional and international (Notably GBIF) levels.

This organization allows to constitute a global system, allowing for continuity between local and international levels. It also enables integration in the SINP of data produced by foreign stakeholders on French territory.