Habitats repository (HabRef)

Habitats or vegetations typologies

INPN - Habitats repositories - Sigmatist phytosociology

Relevant Territory

Metropolitan France


The Prodrome of French Vegetation is the national typological repository for sigmatist phytosociology. It classifies plant groups into a hierarchical system on 8 levels (from class to subassociation) described as a phytosociological synsystem.

Developed under the aegis of the French Society of Phytosociology, the first version of the Prodrome (or PVF1, Bardat et al., 2004) presents a synsystem of the higher units of vegetation (from class to suballiance) for metropolitan France. Its division at association level (or PVF2) was launched in 2006 in order to continue the work carried out between 1996 and 2004 (Bioret & Royer, 2009; Bioret et al., 2013). More than 87 classes and around 2 800 associations are to be processed.

The division of the Prodrome is organised class by class around a manager coordinating the division at national level. If the manager considers it appropriate, the syntheses may be extended to European level.

Each class includes:

  • A summary presentation containing information on the higher units and a listing of associations by alliance (or suballiance)
  • A detailed presentation of the associations under 12 headings (in the case of supranational syntheses, only associations present or to be found in France are concerned by this second section): full name of the association, synonyms, higher units, nomenclature type, physiognomy, characteristic species combination, synecology, variations, synchorology, axes to be developed, correspondences with the classifications of European habitats, and bibliographical references
  • One or more summary tables.

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The Prodrome of French Vegetation (PVF1) served as a framework for the phytosociological correspondences of the Habitats Manuals (Bensettiti et al., 2001-2005). The latter detail the habitats of Community interest present in France, and specify the phytosociological units concerned by each habitat. These having been replaced within the Prodrome of French Vegetation (PVF1), the whole constitutes a typology of the phytosociological units of the Habitats Manuals.

In complementarity with the Prodrome, a synopsis of the bryophyte communities for metropolitan France was published in 2002 (Bardat & Hauguel, 2002; Bardat, 2003).

At European level, there is a phytosociological classification (Mucina et al., 2016) for the higher units of vegetation (from class to alliance). It concerns vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. In addition, a classification of bryophytic communities has been published up to the sub-association level (Marstaller, 2006).

Change and development

The divisions of the PVF2 classes are published as they are drafted in various journals: the French Botanical Society's Journal of Botany, Acta Botanica Gallica, Phytosociological documents, the Botanical Notebooks of the Botanical Society of Occitania (full list of publications). The Prodrome is not, however, a fixed repository; development of knowledge is taken into account, notably through the publication of addenda.

The bryosociological synopsis has not been the subject of any update.


Hierarchical tree of PVF1

Hierarchical tree of PVF2

Hierarchical tree of bryosociological synopsis

Hierarchical tree of phytosociological units of Habitats manuals

Hierarchical tree of European phytosociological classification (2016)

Hierarchical tree of European bryosociological classification (2006)

Download the typology tables

Download correspondence tables

Text and tables by class of the Prodrome (PVF2)

French Society of Phytosociology


Bardat J., Bioret F., Botineau M., Boullet V., Delpech R., Géhu J.-M., Haury J., Lacoste A., Rameau J.-C., Royer J.-M., Roux G. & Touffet J., 2004. Prodrome des végétations de France. Coll. Patrimoines naturels, 61. Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 171 p.

Bioret F. & Royer J.-M., 2009. Présentation du projet de déclinaison du Prodrome des végétations de France. J. Bot. Soc. Bot. France, 48: 47-48.

Bioret F., Gaudillat V. & Royer J.-M., 2013. The Prodrome of French vegetation: a national synsystem for phytosociological knowledge and management issues. Plant Sociology, 50 (1): 17-21.

Bardat J. & Hauguel J.-C., 2002. Synopsis bryosociologique pour la France. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 23 (4) : 279-343.

Bardat J., 2003. Compléments méthodologiques au synopsis bryosociologique pour la France. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 24 (1) : 71-73.

Marstaller R., 2006. Syntaxonomischer Konspekt der Moosgesellschaften Europas und angrenzender Gebiete. Haussknechtia, 13 : 1-192.

Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus Th., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., Gavilán García R., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F.J.A., Bergmeier E., Santos Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J.H.J., Lysenko T., Didukh Y.P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J.S., Capelo J., Weber H.E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S.M. & Tichý L., 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 19 (Suppl. 1): 3-264.

INPN - Habitats repositories - Synusial phytosociology

Relevant Territory



The synonymic phytosociological database of vascular plant communities of the World, at the level of association (Baseveg) is the typological reference for synusial phytosociology. It has been developed by Philippe Julve in the frame of its permanent research program CATMINAT (“Catalogue of Natural Environments”).

Baseveg database initially included all the phytosociological unities (from classes to associations) present in France and their synonyms. It was later extended to the World. Various information are associated to the syntaxons: CATMINAT hierarchical code, vernacular name, world chorology, known distribution in France, physiognomy, ecology, dynamic, departmental chorology, etc. Baseveg includes about 500 classes and 17 000 associations (after verification the 26/01/2023). Baseveg data are searchable via eVeg website.

Three other databases concern other taxonomic groups: bryophytes (basebryo), lichens (baselich) and algae (basealg).


Regularly evolving repository.


CATMINAT programme

Website eVeg

INPN - Habitats repositories - National classifications of benthic marine habitats (NatHab)

Relevant Territory

Metropolitan France


There are two national classifications for metropolitan benthic marine habitats: one relating to the Mediterranean biocenoses (NatHab-Med) and the other concerning the habitats of the English Channel, the North Sea and the Atlantic (NatHab-Atl). They were prepared by synthesising existing classifications (regional, national and international) and supplementing them with newly acquired knowledge. These national classifications define a common language that facilitates the implementation of public conservation policies and allows the marine habitats present in metropolitan France to be identified. Their use is recommended for all programmes related to the conservation of marine habitats on a national scale. They also serve as a support to establish the french point of view, as well as any proposals for modifications and additions to the European repository of habitats EUNIS (for the marine domain).

The reports below provide more information on these two classifications, including the principles and definitions used, their method of construction, their shortcomings and the descriptions of the habitat units.


The Mediterranean benthic biocenoses classification (NatHab-Med) was published in 2011 and updated in 2014 (Michez et al., 2011, 2014). The classification for the benthic marine habitats of the English Channel, the North Sea and the Atlantic (NatHab-Atl) was published in 2013 and updated in 2015 and 2019 (Michez et al. 2013, 2015, 2019).

The description of each unit of these classifications was carried out between 2016 and 2021. They are based on other classifications' descriptive information where available and have been completed or fully written with the help of benthology experts.

NatHab-Med: 152 units are described for the Mediterranean (levels 3 and 4) (La Rivière et al., 2021). Since version 2 of the classification, 5 units have been deleted because of lack of proof of their existence and some habitat names have been changed.

NatHab-Atl: 108 descriptive sheets for level 2 units are available for the Channel, North Sea and Atlantic (La Rivière et al., 2022). Some descriptive information are also available for 314 level 3 or 4 units. Since version 3 of the typology, 1 unit has been deleted and some habitat names have been changed. A list of characteristic species and a list of associated species are provided in XLS spreadsheet format for easier manipulation in a database. The taxonomic groups and the patrimonial and/or regulatory nature of the species are specified. Some characteristic species of a sub-habitat (level 3 to 5) which are not characteristic of the parent habitat (level 2) are indicated.


Hierarchical tree of NatHab-Med classification

Hierarchical tree of NatHab-Atl classification

The classification tables (descriptions, correspondences) are downloadable via the national habitat repository HABREF in the « Data & tools » section.

Download typologies tables

Download correspondence tables

Table of characteristic species of the NatHab-Atl classification

Table of associated species of the NatHab-Atl classification


Michez N., Dirberg G., Bellan-Santini D., Verlaque M., Bellan G., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Labrune C., Francour P. & Sartoretto S., 2011. Typologie des biocénoses benthiques de Méditerranée, Liste de référence française et correspondances. Rapport SPN 2011 - 13, MNHN, Paris, 48 p.

Michez N., Fourt M., Aish A., Bellan G., Bellan-Santini D., Chevaldonné P., Fabri M.-C., Goujard A., Harmelin J.-G., Labrune C., Pergent G., Sartoretto S., Vacelet J. & Verlaque M., 2014. Typologie des biocénoses benthiques de Méditerranée Version 2. Rapport SPN 2014 - 33, MNHN, Paris, 26 p.

La Rivière M., Michez N., Delavenne J., Andres S., Fréjefond C., Janson A-L., Abadie A., Amouroux J-M., Bellan G., Bellan-Santini D., Chevaldonné P., Cimiterra N., Derolez V., Fernez T., Frisoni G-F., Grillas P., Harmelin J-G., Jordana E., Klesczewski M., Labrune C., Mouronval J-B., Ouisse V., Palomba L., Pasqualini V., Pelaprat C., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Sartoretto S., Thibaut T., Vacelet J., Verlaque M., 2021. Fiches descriptives des biocénoses benthiques de Méditerranée. UMS PatriNat éd., Paris : 660 pp.

Michez N., Aish A., Hily C., Sauriau P.-G., Derrien-Courtel S., de Casamajor M.-N., Foveau A., Ruellet T., Lozach S., Soulier L., Popovsky J., Blanchet H., Cajeri P., Bajjouk T., Guillaumont B., Grall J., Gentil F., Houbin C. & Thiébaut E., 2013. Typologie des habitats marins benthiques français de Manche, de Mer du Nord et d'Atlantique : Version 1. Rapport SPN 2013 - 9, MNHN, Paris, 32 p.

Michez N., Bajjouk T., Aish A., Andersen A. C., Ar Gall E., Baffreau A., Blanchet H., Chauvet P., Dauvin J.-C., De Casamajor M.-N., Derrien-Courtel S., Dubois S., Fabri M.-C., Houbin C., Le Gall L., Menot L., Rolet C., Sauriau P.-G., Thiebaut E., Tourolle J. & Van den Beld I., 2015. Typologie des habitats marins benthiques de la Manche, de la Mer du Nord et de l'Atlantique Version 2. Rapport SPN 2015 - 45, MNHN, Paris, 61 p.

Michez N., Thiébaut E., Dubois S., Le Gall L., Dauvin J.C., Andersen A. C., Baffreau A., Bajjouk T., Blanchet H., de Bettignies T., de Casamajor M.-N., Derrien-Courtel S., Houbin C., Janson A.-L., La Rivière M., Lévèque L., Menot L., Sauriau P.G., Simon N., Viard F., 2019. Typologie des habitats marins benthiques de la Manche, de la Mer du Nord et de l'Atlantique. Version 3. UMS PatriNat, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 52 p.

La Rivière M., Delavenne J., Janson A.-L., Andres S., de Bettignies T., Blanchet H., Decaris F.-X., Derrien R., Derrien-Courtel S., Grall J., Houbin C., Latry L., Le Gal A., Lutrand A., Menot L., Percevault L., Tauran A., Thiébaut E., 2022. Fiches descriptives des habitats marins benthiques de la Manche, de la Mer du Nord et de l'Atlantique. PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris : 578 pp.

INPN - Habitats repositories - Typology of marine habitats in the overseas departments

Relevant Territory

West Indies, Clipperton island, French Guiana, Scattered islands, La Réunion, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis-et-Futuna.


A review of typological and cartographic repositories of terrestrial vegetation and habitats of French overseas territories has been made in 2016 (Poncet et al., 2016). Each overseas territory has at least one typology dealing with habitats and/or vegetation.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon disposes of a typology proposed by Muller & Etcheberry (2006) that include 36 basic habitats. In order to facilitate its use, this typology was integrated into the classification of habitats of the Palaearctic, which was slightly adapted for the occasion (Muller et al., 2011).

West Indies (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin) and French Guiana have each an habitats typology declined from the Provisional Typology of the Natural Habitats of French Overseas Departments (Hoff (coord), 1997) of which they have taken the habitats presents on their territories, respectively 507 and 535 habitats. West Indies s.l. (foreign territories included) have a vegetation typology coming from a synthesis document which deals with the whole Caribbean area (Areces-Mallea et al., 1999); from which 151 typological units (among a total of 574) concern French islands. To note that some typological units of this referential are not yet indicated as "present" in French West Indies by lack of available information on vegetation of these territories.

Guadeloupe have an ecological compartments typology (partially based on landscape phytosociology (Rousteau et al., 1996)) which counts 69 units and is accompanied by an ecological map. Authors have relied on statistic analysis of numerous forest vegetation surveys and on their expertise to build the typology. It covers most of Guadeloupe islands (Basse-Terre, Grande-Terre, Les Saintes, La Désirade and Marie-Galante), and only islands of Petite Terre and some islets (îlet Fajou, îlet à Kahouane, etc.) are not covered by this referential.

Martinique disposes of a vegetation typology built after the landscape phytosociology principles (Portecop, 1979) which includes 81 entries and is accompanied by an ecological map (1/75 000). The author proposes a division of the whole territory in ecological compartments in which only one vegetation series can be expressed, of which he identifies the climax or paraclimax by mature forest types and describes previous stages (meadow, savannah, thicket, etc.) as degradation types of the original forest in dynamic relationship with each other.

French Guiana disposes of a forest habitats typology (Guitet et al., 2015). The authors have relied on Hoff’s typology (2001) of which they make evolve the classification of forest types, proposing 41 types hierarchically imbricated in three levels. The typology is accompanied by a map (predictive mapping of forest habitats of French Guiana) which shows 20 types and cover the whole territory.

La Réunion disposes of two typologies dealing with habitats:
1) a first, entitled Typology of natural habitats of La Réunion (Strasberg et al., 2000, rev. 2010) which is based on CORINE biotopes referential. The habitats present in La Réunion that have no correspondence in this referential have led to the creation of new codes that follow the same hierarchical system. In part, these new codes and habitats are derived from the Provisional Typology of the Natural Habitats of French Overseas Departments (Hoff, 1997). This classification of habitats of La Réunion includes 341 habitats.
2) a second more recent typology carried out by the National Botanical Conservatory of Mascarin entitled Descriptive typology of natural and semi-natural habitats of La Réunion (Lacoste et al., 2021) which is an evolution of the previous reference (Strasberg et al., 2000 rev. 2010) in which the authors list more than 400 habitats.

Mayotte has an habitat typology named Typology of natural areas and terrestrial and littoral habitats of Mayotte (Boullet, 2005). This typology is at the time an extension of CORINE Biotope "DOM" code (Hoff (coord.), 1997) to Mayotte and an evolution as the typological units are provided with descriptive informations (contrary to the fore-mentioned referential). The author proposes a hierarchical typology based on the vegetation classification (e.g. herbaceous vegetation, shrubland, etc.) and divided in eight main domains (e.g. littoral, non-marine waters, etc.), which is declined in 449 units.

The Scattered islands have a provisional typology done by Boullet & Hivert (2018) on habitats. This repository consisting of 90 posts is provisionally limited to the typological units of levels 1 to 3 and will soon be completed by an update.

Wallis-and-Futuna and New Caledonia have a common typology that deals with vegetation and is based on phytosociological classification methods of units. This typology consists of 394 posts and is based on compilation of three publications: Hoff et al. (1983) which deals with the ruderal and anthropic vegetation groups of New Caledonia; Hoff & Brisse (1990) which focuses on plant communities in Wallis-and-Futuna, with the exception of mid-altitude forests; Hoff (1993) where the author proposes a preliminary synsystem common to both territories. This typology is not exhaustive at the scale of these two territories.

Clipperton has a typology on its terrestrial and marine plant groups (vascular flora and algae) which is based on a phytosociological approach but whose units are not structured following this method. This classification comprises 30 posts and was carried out by Sachet (1962) with material collected in 1958 as part of the International Geophysical Year.


According to Muller and Etcheberry, the typology of habitats of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is a work document that has not yet been finalized and is intended to be improved. A first additional work, relative to the low Diapensia lapponica heathland, was realized by Muller in 2008.

The typology of the habitats of La Réunion developed by Strasberg et al. was revised in 2010 by Picot & Saliman. Subsequently, it was revised and supplemented with succinct descriptive information about the habitats. This work led to the publication of the Descriptive Typology of Natural and Semi-natural Habitats of Réunion (Lacoste et al., 2021). "Habitats Manuals" complete this typology by providing detailed information about each habitat.

Modifications have been made to some of these typologies. Following the proposals of local experts for the establishment of the lists of habitats likely to be the subject of a natural habitat protection order ("arrêté de protection d'habitats naturels" - APHN).


Hierarchical tree of Habitats of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Hierarchical tree of Caribbean Vegetation

Hierarchical tree of ecological compartments of Guadeloupe

Hierarchical tree of Vegetation of Martinique

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of the West Indies

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of French Guiana

Hierarchical tree of Forest Habitats of French Guiana

Hierarchical tree of natural and semi-natural Habitats of La Réunion (2021)

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of La Réunion (2000, rev. 2010)

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of Mayotte

Hierarchical tree of Habitats of the Scattered islands

Hierarchical tree of Vegetation of Wallis-et-Futuna and of New Caledonia

Hierarchical tree of Vegetation of Clipperton island

Download typologies tables


Poncet R., Gaudillat V., Touroult V. & Poncet L., 2016. Revue des typologies et cartographies de végétations et habitats terrestres d'Outre-mer : recencement, évaluation et synthèse. Rapport SPN-MNHN 2016-101. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Service du patrimoine naturel, Paris, 228 p

Muller S. & Etcheberry R., 2006. Annexe 3. Esquisse de typologie des habitats naturels de flore de l’archipel de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. In Muller S., Conservation de la biodiversité à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Rapport de mission dans l’archipel du 15 au 29 juillet 2006. MEDD-Université P. Verlaine, Metz, 34 p.

Muller S., Etcheberry R., Urtizbéréa F. & Gaudillat V., 2019. Typologie des habitats de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon intégrés à la classification des habitats du Paléarctique. Université P. Verlaine, Metz, UMS PatriNat, Paris.

Areces-Mallea A. E., Weakley A. S., Li X., Sayre R. G., Parrish J. D., Tipton C. V. & Boucher T., 1999. A Guide to Carribbean Vegetation Types : Preliminary Classification System and Description. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 166p.

Hoff M. (coord.), 1997. Typologie provisoire des habitats naturels des départements d'outre-mer français, basée sur CORINE biotopes et la « Classification of Palaearctic habitats » du Conseil de l'Europe. SPN-IEGB-MNHN, Paris, 40 p.

Hoff M., 2001. Liste des habitats naturels de Guyane. Herbier de l'université de Strasbourg.

Rousteau A, Portécop J. & Rollet B., 1996. Carte écologique de la Guadeloupe. ONF, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Parc national de la Guadeloupe, 36p. + 1 carte.

Portecop J., 1979. Phytogéographie, cartographie écologique et aménagement dans une île tropicale : le cas de la Martinique. Documents de cartographie écologique, 21 : 1-78 + 1 carte.

Guitet S., Brunaux O., Granville J.-J., Gonzales S., Richard-Hansen C. & Sabatier D., 2015. Catalogue des habitats forestiers de Guyane. ONF / Direction de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement Guyane, Cayenne, 120 p.

Strasberg D., Dupont J. & Rameau J.-C., 2000. Typologie des Milieux Naturels et des Habitats de La Réunion. DIREN Réunion / Université de la Réunion, 27 p.

Lacoste M., Delbosc P. & Picot F., 2021. Typologie descriptive des habitats naturels et semi-naturels de La Réunion 2009-2021, version août 2021. Conservatoire botanique de Mascarin, Saint-Leu, 165 p.

Boullet V., 2005. Typologie des milieux naturels et des habitats terrestres et littoraux (supralittoral, médiolittoral pro parte) de Mayotte. In Rolland R. & Boullet V. (coords), 2005. Mayotte Biodiversité et évaluation patrimoniale. Contribution à la mise en œuvre de l'inventaire ZNIEFF, pp 44‐67.

Boullet V. & Hivert J., 2018. Typologie systémique des habitats terrestres et littoraux des îles Éparses. Version 2-3 octobre 2018.

Hoff M., Brisse H. & Grandjouan G., 1983. La végétation rudérale et anthropique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Îles Loyauté (Pacifique Sud). Colloques phytosociologiques, XII : 179-248.

Hoff M. & Brisse H., 1990. Contribution à l'étude des groupements végétaux des Îles Wallis et Futuna. Documents phytosociologiques, XII : 19-76.

Hoff M., 1993. Liste préliminaire des unités syntaxonomiques de Guyane française, de Nouvelle-Calédonie, de Wallis et Futuna. Colloques phytosociologiques, XXII : 663-688.

Sachet M.-H., 1962. Flora and vegetation of Clipperton Island. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Fourth Series 10: 249-307.

INPN - Habitats repositories - Overseas terrestrial habitats

Relevant Territory

French Guiana, La Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, The Scattered Islands, West Indies.

Geomorphology of coral reefs: World (territories with coral reefs); for France the following territories are concerned: Clipperton, Guadeloupe, La Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, St. Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (The Scattered Islands), Wallis and Futuna.


For the overseas departments, a typology of marine habitats was constructed based on the habitats identified by Guillaume and collaborators (1997) developed to assist in the implementation of the Sea-ZNIEFF inventory. Compared to this original document, the structure has been modified and is composed of three hierarchical levels. The first level distinguishes between geographical areas. The second level corresponds to a combination of two parameters: the substrate and tiering. Finally, at the third level, biocenoses appear. A new codification has also been created. A list of parameters used to describe the biocenoses has been established. Each of these parameters has been completed using the information contained in Guillaume and collaborators (1997) or by using the bibliography.

At global level, a geomorphological typology of coral reefs was conducted at the request of the French Initiative for Coral Reefs (Ifrecor) with the help of funding from the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. This typology is a product of the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project initiated in 2001 by the Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (IMaRS) of the University of South Florida (USF) in the United States, and continued in 2004 by the Research Institute for Development (IRD) in Nouméa. The hierarchical system includes several levels. The first dichotomy distinguishes continental reefs from oceanic reefs. These major types of reefs are then divided into large reef complexes which are broken down into blocks according to their geomorphology, position and structure. These level 3 elements are themselves composed of various combinations of elementary geomorphological units, known as level 4. The unique combination of information from levels 1 to 4 provides the final classification, level 5.

In the context of establishing lists of habitats that may be subject to a Natural Habitat Protection Order ("arrêté de protection d'habitats naturels" - APHN), a synthesis of existing knowledge has been completed. It has led to the production of new typologies for the marine habitats of French Guiana, Scattered Islands, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, or the addition of some missing habitats in existing typologies (Antilles, La Réunion).

A new typology was developed for Martinique using data from the Madibenthos expedition organised by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN) in 2016 in this territory and the list of marine habitats initiated by Dirberg and Ferry. The typology was then consolidated by spot checks and observations carried out in the field until 2021.
The hierarchical structure of the habitats is based on the standardised Ifrecor classification method, which has however been adapted to the specific characteristics of the area. In total, the typology comprises 246 units, with 5 levels of hierarchy:
1. the stage,
2. the substrate,
3. the geomorphology (for hard substrates)/substrate type (for soft substrates),
4. he dominant populations,
5. the habitat.
The report presenting the hierarchical list of benthic habitats in Martinique, and the 118 associated descriptive sheets can be downloaded.


The typology of marine habitats in the overseas departments constitutes an updated version of that developed by Guillaume and collaborators (1997). It has evolved with the acquisition of new knowledge. Given the complexity of overseas marine habitats, it cannot be regarded as exhaustive. In the context of the inventory of marine Znieff of La Reunion, field studies were recently conducted by the GIE MAREX and led to the identification of 19 new habitats for this territory that have enriched the typology.

In this regard, two preliminary works on reef habitats were realised by IFRECOR and the Natural Heritage Department of the French National Museum of Natural History. A typology proposal based on geomorphology was developed for the South Pacific (2011). The second typology of habitats proposal, both biocenotic and geomorphological (2012) focused on the islands of Europe (The Scattered Islands). These two works are downloadable in part Documentation.


Hierarchical tree of marine habitats of the overseas departments

Hierarchical tree of marine habitats of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Hierarchical tree of benthic habitats of Martinique

Hierarchical tree of marine habitats of French Guiana

Hierarchical tree of marine habitats of Mayotte

Hierarchical tree of marine habitats of Scattered Islands

Hierarchical tree of the typology of geomorphology of coral reefs

Download typologies tables


Andréfouët S., Chagnaud N., Chauvin C. & Kranenburg C.J., 2008. Atlas des récifs coralliens de France Outre-mer. Centre IRD de Nouméa, 153 p.

Andres S., Ferry R., Gaudillat V., Dirberg G., 2022. Typologie des habitats benthiques de la Martinique, PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris, 207 pp.

INPN - Habitats repositories - European classifications of habitats

Relevant Territory

Europe and Palaearctic region.


The CORINE biotopes typology (Devillers et al., 2001) is a hierarchical system of classification of European habitats developed under the CORINE program (Coordination of Information on the Environment). The objective was to identify and describe biotopes of major importance for the conservation of nature within the European Community. In order to facilitate its use, it has been translated into French (Bissardon et al., 1997).

This typology includes 2 584 habitats divided into 7 major family environments, such as shoreline and halophilic habitats, and forests. Natural and semi-natural habitats are more or less detailed depending on the case, but with an increased accuracy for habitats considered as having a strong heritage interest in Europe. The other habitats (agricultural land and artificial landscapes) are treated more briefly. The typology is based largely on phytosociological classification, but also includes other parameters such as the dominance of a species or geographical location.

Using the same hierarchical system, the classification of Palaearctic habitats (Devilliers & Devilliers-Terschuren 1996, Devillers et al., 2001) extends the CORINE biotopes classification to the Palaearctic region, with a particular accuracy for the habitats of the Council of Europe member states. It comprises 6 228 habitats divided into 9 major families of environments.

Developed under the aegis of the European Environment Agency, EUNIS (European Nature Information System) habitat classification is one of the typologies referred to at European level. It is a hierarchical system of classification of European habitats, built primarily from the CORINE biotopes typology and its successor, the classification of habitats of the Palaearctic. In relation to these two typologies, EUNIS classification is characterised by a restructuring of levels 1 to 3 and an important development of the part devoted to marine habitats, on the basis of the JNCC's (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland, and habitat typologies developed under the marine Conventions of Barcelona and HELCOM. The terrestrial habitats of a finer level are generally taken from the Palaearctic habitat classification. The 2012 version contains 5 282 habitats divided into 10 major habitat types. In the absence of a French edition, translations, restricted to habitats present in France, have been carried out (terrestrial and freshwater habitats: Louvel et al., 2013; marine habitats: Bajjouk et al., 2015a, b).

A revision of the marine part of EUNIS 2012 was initiated in 2014, published in 2019 and updated in 2022. The revision led to a major restructuring of the classification by separating marine benthic habitats, marine pelagic habitats and habitats associated with sea ice (level 1). For benthic habitats, the second level is concerned with biological depth zone (relative to bathymetry) and substratum type. The third level relates to the main biogeographic regions of the European seas (for France: Atlantic, Mediterranean).

A revision of the marine part of EUNIS 2012 was initiated in 2014, published in 2019 and updated in 2022. The revision led to a major restructuring of the classification by separating marine benthic habitats, marine pelagic habitats and habitats associated with sea ice (level 1). For benthic habitats, the second level is concerned with biological depth zone (relative to bathymetry) and substratum type. The third level relates to the main biogeographic regions of the European seas (for France: Atlantic, Mediterranean).

The habitats of the lower levels were only marginally revised and redistributed within the habitats of levels 1 to 3. In order to differentiate this new version of EUNIS from the 2012 version, all codes have been changed. The 2023 version of EUNIS contains 5 888 habitats. Note: the 2023 update of EUNIS terrestrial habitats could not be integrated into version 7 of the HabRef repository, which combines the 2021 (terrestrial) and 2022 (marine) versions into a single table named EUNIS 2022, for a total of 5 497 habitats.

In the absence of a French edition, translations, limited to the names of the habitats present in France, have been made.

The two versions of the EUNIS classification (2012 and 2022) are published in parallel for the time being, as well as the correspondences between their respective units, on the one hand because the 2022 version is not complete, and on the other hand to allow a gradual transition to the 2022 version for users used to the 2012 version.


The CORINE biotopes typology has not been the subject of any official version subsequent to its publication.

The classification of Palaearctic habitats has been updated several times until 2001.

In order to be complete, the new version of the EUNIS classification still needs to include freshwater and brackish water habitats.


Hierarchical tree of the CORINE biotopes typology

Hierarchical tree of the classification of Palaearctic habitats

Hierarchical tree of 2012 EUNIS habitat classification

Hierarchical tree of 2022 EUNIS habitat classification

The classification tables (descriptions, correspondences) are downloadable via the national habitat repository HabRef in the «  Data & tools » section.

Download typologies tables

Download correspondence tables

EUNIS website (European Environment Agency)


Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J., Ledant J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p.

Bissardon M., Guibal L. & Rameau J.-C., 1997. Corine biotopes. Version originale. Types d'habitats français. ENGREF, Nancy, 217 p.

Devilliers P. & Devilliers-Terschuren J., 1996. A classification of Palaearctic habitats. Nature and environment, No. 78, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 194 p.

Devillers P., Devillers-Terschuren J. & Vander Linden C., 2001. PHYSIS Palaearctic Habitat Classification. Updated to 10 December 2001. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles.

Louvel-Glaser J. & Gaudillat V., 2015. Correspondances entre les classifications d'habitats CORINE Biotopes et EUNIS. Mise à jour sur la base des correspondances de l'AEE. MNHN-DIREV-SPN, MEDDE, Paris, 119 p.

European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2012. European Nature Information System (EUNIS) Database. Habitat types and Habitat classifications. ETC/BD-EEA, Paris.

Bajjouk T., Guillaumont B., Michez N., Thouin B., Croguennec C., Populus J., Louvel-Glaser J., Gaudillat V., Chevalier C., Tourolle J., Hamon D. et al., 2015a. Classification EUNIS, Système d'information européen sur la nature : Traduction française des habitats benthiques des Régions Atlantique et Méditerranée. Vol. 1. Habitats Littoraux. Réf. IFREMER/DYNECO/AG/15‐02/TB1, 231 p.

Bajjouk T., Guillaumont B., Michez N., Thouin B., Croguennec C., Populus J., Louvel-Glaser J., Gaudillat V., Chevalier C., Tourolle J., Hamon D. et al., 2015b. Classification EUNIS, Système d'information européen sur la nature : Traduction française des habitats benthiques des Régions Atlantique et Méditerranée. Vol. 2. Habitats subtidaux & complexes d'habitats. Réf. IFREMER/DYNECO/AG/15‐02/TB2, 337 p.

Louvel J., Gaudillat V. & Poncet L., 2013. EUNIS, European Nature Information System, Système d'information européen sur la nature. Classification des habitats. Traduction française. Habitats terrestres et d'eau douce. MNHN-DIREV-SPN, MEDDE, Paris, 289 p.

Evans, D., Aish, A., Boon, A., Condé, S., Connor, D., Gelabert, E. Michez, N., Parry, M., Richard, D., Salvati, E. & Tunesi, L., 2016. Revising the marine section of the EUNIS Habitat classification - Report of a workshop held at the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 12 & 13 May 2016. ETC/BD report to the EEA.

European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2023. EUNIS terrestrial habitat classification 2021_1 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel.

European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel.

INPN - Habitats repositories - Species microhabitats

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The habitat of a species can be defined by a set of physical and/or biological elements that constitute its living environment. This habitat can be associated with one or several typologies already referenced in the HabRef reference system. However, certain elements of a species' habitat are essential for the proper functioning of its population dynamics. When these elements are absent, the quality of the species' habitat is no longer optimal. In some cases, their disappearance causes the local extinction of the species. We call these elements of a species' habitat microhabitats.

Within the framework of the development of a knowledge base on the life traits of species, the need to characterize these microhabitats by a typological nomenclature has emerged. A specific line of work has been developed within PatriNat on this theme. The use of these microhabitat typologies is not restricted to knowledge bases integrating summary data on species. This typology can be used in the framework of inventory or characterization of the quality of a natural habitat.


Only one typology is currently available. It concerns tree-related microhabitats. It was carried out from the publication of Larrieu et al. (2018). It allows in particular to characterize the life traits of xaproxylic species, involved in the degradation of dead wood.


Hierarchical tree of tree-related microhabitats


Larrieu, L., Paillet, Y., Winter, S., Bütler, R., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Michel, A., Regnery, B. & Vandekerkhove, K. 2018. Tree related microhabitats in temperate and Mediterranean European forests: A hierarchical typology for inventory standardization. Ecological Indicators, 84(undefined): 194-207.