Species observation data - Validation

Validation of INPN data

The data transmitted to the INPN are subject to a series of processing and checks.

These controls are of 3 types:

  • Compliance

    Compliance refers to compliance with the rules laid down in the framework of the implementation of standards formats of data and metadata on both physical and conceptual aspects (information of mandatory fields, format, use of repositories and lists of values/classifications).

    Example: the date transmitted is of ISO8601 standard date type as specified by the exchange standard. The X attribute is filled with values according to the nomenclature defined in the dedicated standard. The Y attribute is filled with the type of information specified in the standard (a number for instance).

  • Consistency

    Consistency refers to respect for the combinatorial logic of the information transmitted within the data, within the metadata and between the data and the metadata.

    Example: the observation start date is less than or equal to the observation end date.

  • Scientific validation

    Scientific validation consists of expert assessment processes designed to provide information on reliability (refers to the degree of confidence that can be placed in the data). These processes involve knowledge repositories and/or direct expertise.

    Example :

    • the Atrichum angustatum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. data, observed on 5 January 2015 and located on the 10kmL93E077N634 grid, presents a good level of reliability with regard to the elements supplied and the known distribution. The data is probable.
    • the data from Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821), observed on 3 August 2014 over the department of Yonne is considered too improbable with regard to the known range and ecological niche of the taxon. The data is considered invalid.

A distinction is made between :

  • The so-called automatic scientific validation, which consists of a validation based on the results of prior expert assessments (repositories, knowledge bases, etc.). This process is carried out automatically (computerised) within the framework of the SINP.

  • The so-called manual scientific validation (notwithstanding the fact that a computer interface can be used) which consists of a validation of information calling for direct expertise (expert judgement following analysis of the information transmitted). This process is carried out by one or more experts within the framework of the SINP.

The validity levels retained in the SINP for the result of the scientific validation operations are as follows :

Certain - very likely
Not feasible
Not evaluated

Documents and references :

The rules and procedures for validating data and metadata in the SINP are defined by a dedicated working group.

Consult the methodological guide for the validation of SINP occurrence data.

Consult the national procedure for compliance and consistency.

Consult the national procedure for scientific validation.