We filled the Internet with information, we filled our notebooks and computers with field data, and now the urge or the need to share this knowledge is facing the need to speak a common language and use common standards. In terms of biological taxa, these standards are crucial as the profusion of names reflects the diversity of what they represent.
As part of the Natural Heritage Inventory Information System (SINP), the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle is responsible for the implementation of the national repository on fauna and flora of metropolitan France and overseas territories. The overall methodological framework, from implementation to dissemination, at the basis of the TaxRef repository is presented on the dedicated website.
In particular, the unique link pointing to the global repositories is a crucial component thus complying with the required consolidation of knowledge at the basis of nomenclature and taxonomy. The bibliographic management, the monitoring of the modifications to the repository, the problems of data management are also fundamental aspects implemented to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the repository and how it is used.
The current version is TAXREF v{0} put online on {1}.