Based on the centralised and standardised data of the Regional ecological-continuity plans (SRCE), the Museum worked with the IGN (research team « COGIT ») to produce a national map of the ecological continuities (cores and corridors).
This map is a national synthesis of the ecological continuities issues which are highlighted in the scientific and technical works made by the regions during the elaboration of their SRCE. This map can be useful to illustrate and communicate about the TVB policy, for example at national and international levels. This national map is just indicative. It doesn’t replace the SRCE atlases. Only SRCEs that are currently in force have a regulatory scope.
Map generalisation methods have been used, as selection, simplification and harmonisation. Indeed, the map of the raw data of the SRCEs (without any mapping process) showed a visual heterogeneity as a result of the diversity of the methods used by the regions to design their cores and corridors. Using a grid and setting thresholds led to a national map that is visually consistent while being in accordance with the different approaches of the regions.
More information about the method
The national map represents the surface cores and the linear and surface corridors. The watercourses were not considered in this work because the process to map them is specific. Furthermore, the cores and the corridors are not linked to the subnetworks, especially for readability reasons. At last, despite for some regions the SRCE is not currently in force (Hauts-de-France, Aquitaine), those ecological continuities are still represented on the basis of the technical works made in the framework of those SRCEs.